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发布时间:2021-11-12       发布者:       浏览次数:




    刘立娟博士已在Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyPlant Cell ReportsEuropean Journal of Soil BiologyEnvironmental and Experimental BotanyScientific Reports等国际期刊发表第一作者或共同第一作者论文SCI论文8篇,参与发表论文10余篇。 



[1] Liu L., Huang L., Sun C.*, Wang L., Jin C., Lin X., 2021. Cross-talk between hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide during plant development and responses to stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69(33), 9485-9497.

[2] Liu L, Huang L., Lin X., Sun C.*, 2020. Hydrogen peroxide alleviates salinity-induced damage through enhancing proline accumulation in wheat seedlings. Plant Cell Reports 39, 567-575.

[3] Liu L., Sun C., Liu X., He X., Liu M., Wu H., Tang C., Jin C.*, Zhang Y.*, 2016.Effect of calcium cyanamide, ammonium bicarbonate and lime mixture, and ammonia water on survival ofRalstonia solanacearumand microbial community. Scientific Reports 6, 19037.

[4] Liu L., Sun C., He X., Liu X., Wu H., Liu M., Tang C., Zhang Y.*, 2016. The secondary compost enhances soil suppressive capacity against bacterial wilt of tomato caused byRalstonia solanacearum. European Journal of Soil Biology 75, 70-78.

[5] Liu L., Sun C., Liu S., Huang W., Chai R., Tang C., Zhang Y. *, 2015. Bioorganic fertilizer enhances soil suppressive capacity against bacterial wilt of tomato.PloSOne pone.0121304.

[6] Sun C.#, Liu L.#, Lu L., Jin C., Lin X.*, 2018. Nitric oxide acts downstream of hydrogen peroxide in regulating aluminum-induced antioxidant defense that enhances aluminum resistance in wheat seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany 145, 95-103.

[7] Sun C.#,Liu L.#, Yu Y., Liu W., Lu L., Jin C., Lin X.*, 2015. Nitric oxide alleviates aluminum-induced oxidative damage through regulating the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in roots of wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57, 550-561.

[8] Sun C.#,,Liu L.#, Zhou W., Lu L., Jin C., Lin X.*, 2017. Aluminum induces distinct changes in the metabolism of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the roots of two wheat genotypes with different aluminum resistance. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65, 9419-9427.


[1] 2021 指导学生在第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛中获得银奖


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