蒙秋妤博士,广西玉林人,讲师,理学学士、理学硕士、理学博士。她是武汉大学药学专业博士,长期从事荧光探针的开发及雌激素受体的研究。 蒙秋妤博士已在ACS Sensors, Sensor & Actuators B: Chemical, Chemical Communications, Analyst等学术刊物发表第一作者或共同第一作者论文4篇,参与发表论文5篇。 |
[1]Meng,Q.*, Xie,B.*, Yu, H., Shen, K., Deng, X., Zhou, H. B., Dong, C.2021. Estrogen Receptor β-Targeted Near-Infrared Inherently Fluorescent Probe: A Potent Tool for Estrogen Receptor β Research. ACS Sensors (In press).
[2]Meng, Q.*, Xie, B.*, Ma, X., Hu, Z., Zhou, F., Zhou, H. B., Dong, C.2020. Rational design of ERa targeting hypoxia turn-on fluorescent probes with antiproliferative activity for breast cancer. Chem. Commun. 56, 10493-10496.
[3]Meng, Q.*, Ma, X.*, Xie, B., Deng, X., Huang, J., Zhou, H. B., Dong, C.2020. Establishment of evaluation criteria for the development of high quality ERα-targeted fluorescent probes. Analyst 145, 5989-5995.
[4]Yang, L.*,Meng, Q.*, Hu, Z., Ning, W., Zheng, J., Dong, C., Zhou, H. B.2018. Estrogen receptor sensing in living cells by a high affinity turn-on fluorescent probe. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 272, 589-597.
[5]Hu, Z.*, Yang, L.*, Ning, W. Tang, C.,Meng, Q., Zheng, J., Dong, C., Zhou, H. B.2018. A high-affinity subtype-selective fluorescent probe for estrogen receptor α imaging in living cells. Chem. Commun. 54, 3887.
[1] 2018年专利:一种西他沙星中间体的拆分母液中副产物的消旋回收方法获国家授权。
[2] 2021年获武汉大学“学术创新二等奖”。